Caesar Kalinowski

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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple

Are You Wasting Time Developing the Wrong People?

I’ve spent decades discipling and developing leaders. While there has certainly been fruit and multiplication, for years it seemed that the amount of effort I was putting into training up leaders wasn’t yielding a proportionate harvest. I wonder how often I’ve spent time developing the wrong people?

In my earliest experiences with starting missional communities and planting churches, I learned that I had to keep my eye on the prize of ongoing leadership development. It had to remain a high priority. We equipped everyone in community in the same way as we tried to raise a new crop of leaders. (more…)

7 Community Relationship Killers

Life in a community on God’s mission is messy. It just is. Lots of relational dynamics come into play… hopes, fears, preferences, etc. Things will get complicated when you have humans working together!

In this episode, Caesar gives you 7 community relationship killers that you’ll want to watch for and avoid. You’re going to need this!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why confidentiality is critical for a healthy community.
  • How unspoken expectations undermine unity.
  • How to deal with the “fixer” in your group.
  • Ways that leaders set the tone and ethos for the community.

Get started here…

7 Community Relationship Killers


Becoming a Family on Mission Pt.2

You’ll never lead anyone further, faster, or deeper into the gospel and discipleship than you’re leading your own family. Never. But people are waiting for a place at your table and a taste of life in the Kingdom of God! Let’s go deeper…

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar and his wife, Tina, continue the story of how their family rhythms grew to include many others as they make disciples in community. They’ll share some of the things that God had to change in their hearts and home for this Kingdom lifestyle to become a reality.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The rest of the Team K story and a heartwarming testimony you gotta hear!
  • The ways God may want to speak into your busyness, fear, shyness, lack of love, etc.
  • How individualism in our Western culture has severely damaged our families.
  • Why the way you lead your family on mission can be the model for your church.

Get started here…

Becoming a Family on Mission Pt.2


3 Simple Words That Will Change Your Life

If you feel like you have to have the “master plan” before ever making a decision, making disciples or getting started in something new, I want to share three simple words that will change your life forever.

Let me share this simple process that I’ve come to call “What next, Lord?”

This works the same in every area of life, really, but let me tell you a story to illustrate how we’ve come to use this in making disciples and living on mission.

[Download this as a printable transcript and also get my free personal ‘What next, Lord?’ Prayer Journal Template]


Birthright: Living Out of Our Transformed Identity

The way of the world is: We do things (perform, serve, work etc.) to have value in the eyes of our family, friends, parents, spouse, siblings, boss, pastor etc.

If we do a good enough job and are perceived as valuable, then people will want us around. We will be wanted. Out of this activity we often form our identity. What we DO has led to who we ARE. Or at least we think it has. But there is a huge problem with this, it is terribly dangerous, it eventually crushes us, and it goes against how God now sees us.

Don’t believe the DO=BE lies anymore.[clickToTweet tweet=”If we are in Christ, then the Bible teaches we have been transformed and given a new identity.” quote=”If we are in Christ, then the Bible teaches we have been transformed and given a new identity.”]

If we are in Christ, then the Bible teaches we have been transformed and given a new identity. We have become part of a family of missionary servants, sent to serve the world and make disciples of Jesus.

This is who we are. This is our new identity. This is the secret.

And this is true of us as Christians EVEN IF WE NEVER KNEW IT. This is our birthright!

The more we understand and believe this to be true, the more our lives will be transformed.

We’ve all seen and heard this before if we’ve ever been baptized or witnessed a baptism ceremony. But maybe we missed it. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus laid out the entire picture and command for us, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” There it is. The mission of the Church and the means to accomplish it.

Our baptism is not some salvational magic spell or just a culturally ancient ritual; we are baptized, soaked, established into a new identity. Into the NAME OF the Father, and the NAME OF the Son, and the NAME OF the Holy Spirit…all a huge identity statement. This is who we now are. Looking briefly at each of these…

We are baptized into the name of the Father.

Our name has everything to do with whose family we are a part of. God is now our Father. We are his dearly loved children. In Christ we are brothers and sisters; That makes the Church a family. It is part of our transformed identity.

We are also baptized into the name of the Son.

We have entered into an identity relationship with Jesus. He is our King, who came and lived as a servant to all, and we now are his servants, serving his glorious mission, as we serve others as a way of life. Being a servant is now a part of our renewed identity.

Finally, we are baptized into the name of the Holy Spirit.

Throughout the New Testament the Holy Spirit is the sending agent of the Church. He empowered Jesus while on Earth, he guided and comforted the early Church and his indwelling presence transforms our identity into “sent ones”: literally missionaries.

As Christians we are alI missionaries.

Because of who God is, and Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we truly have become a family of missionary servants sent as disciples who make disciples.

This is our birthright. You may not have always known this to be true about yourself…but the next best time start believing it is now!

[Comments from my old website/blog were not carried over to this new one. Please leave your thoughts below.]


I am the author of the top selling book, The Gospel Primer. My latest books, Transformed and Small is Big, Slow is Fast came out recently on Zondervan.

I help those with a high commitment to intentional living in the areas of their discipleship, family and mission acquire the leadership skills and tools necessary to succeed and leave a lasting legacy.
