Lifeschool 147: How to Move from Addiction to Freedom

The heartache, brokenness, and ongoing challenge of addiction affects millions of families every day. But there is hope.

In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about this disturbing topic and how to move from addiction to freedom with our special guest, Todd Wermers.

how to move from addiction to freedom

No one truly beats their addiction merely by stopping the use or abuse of substances. The underlying issues, emotions, and beliefs that caused the abuse must first be understood and addressed.

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In This Episode of the Lifeschool Podcast You’ll Learn:

  • The 8 emotions and feelings that we all experience.
  • Why feelings that God created in us as good can lead to addiction.
  • The importance of understanding our own story when dealing with addiction.
  • How the Gospel rewrites our stories and restores our lives.
  • Why a loving community is crucial for recovery and freedom.

Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.


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