How the Gospel Changes Our Motivation and Desires Pt.2

How do we motivate people to develop a lifestyle of discipleship and mission beyond a weekly meeting? Learning how the Gospel changes our motivation is key.

In this episode, Caesar continues his talk on Gospel Motivation and why what we truly believe will become evident by the work of our hands and the patterns of our lives.

gospel changes motiviation


How the Gospel Changes Our Motivation and Desires Pt.1

After a hard year of changes for Christians and the Church, it seems easier than ever to slip into complacency. Are we going to start another new thing? How do we stay motivated and motivate others to desire a lifestyle of discipleship and mission beyond a weekly meeting?

In this episode, we talk about how Gospel Motivation changes the way you lead your church, community group, and family toward life on mission with God… and what happens when you don’t.

gospel motivation and desire


Hearing God With a Head Full of Voices

Are we hearing impaired when it comes to the voice of God? Could it be that what we believe and have labeled as relational, emotional, and spiritual problems are actually ‘hearing’ problems? 

In this episode, Caesar shows us how to turn down the negative voices in our heads, dial in the authentic divine Voice, and listen intently. The voices you believe will determine the life you experience!

hearing god


7 Challenges To Cultural Diversity in the Church

Experiencing a diverse group of believers walking with and worshiping God together as a family is a beautiful thing. However, there will be obstacles to overcome for this to become a common reality.

In this episode, Caesar walks through 7 challenges to greater cultural diversity that are facing the Church. Some of these are age-old; some of them are unique based on society today.

cultural diversity in church


Sharing Your Faith After You’ve Offended Someone

We’ve all had attempts at sharing our faith not turn out as well as we hoped. And sometimes, despite our good intentions, the other person ends up offended. Was it our fault, did they just not want to hear it?

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar will give you 7 ways to begin again after you’ve offended someone while sharing your faith or religious beliefs.

Sharing Your Faith


Being Salt and Light in Our Divided Culture

Clearly, we live in an increasingly divided culture. Do we retreat, or do we engage this cultural chasm with a person-to-person and systemic response? Maybe, as Jesus said, we can begin to live as both SALT and LIGHT despite our differences.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar shows us three very important ways of living as salt and light in our divided culture. This is a “head, heart, hands” approach you can begin today.

salt light divided culture



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