Lifeschool 138: Discovering the Divine Feminine Nature of God

Consistently we use male pronouns to refer to God… and that’s accurate. But maybe there’s more to this amazing God and our understanding of him? Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we talk about the feminine aspects of God and his nature. This may surprise you!

discovering the divine feminine nature of god

“God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Right there in Genesis 1, God gives clues to the nature of the Trinity when describing how humans were created. “Let us create humans in our image to be like us…”

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In This Episode of the Lifeschool Podcast You’ll Learn:

  • How in masculinity we get a sense of what God is like.
  • How in femininity we get a sense of what God is like.
  • Why God is both above/beyond gender, while embracing all of it.
  • How the Holy Spirit is presented as feminine in nature throughout scripture.
  • How Jesus used mothering imagery to describe his feeling for people.

Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.


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