Lifeschool 117: Daddy-Daughter Dates: 5 Things You Need to Know

Life is busy and our kids grow up (super) fast! As parents, we wonder if we’re developing the hearts of our kids in ways that will secure our relationship with them, and help them develop meaningful relationships in the future. In this episode of Lifeschool, Caesar shares with us how intentional daddy-daughter dates has proven to be one of the most valuable things he has ever done with his daughters.

5 things to know about daddy daughter dates

There is no better way to unlock your daughters’ hearts, and pour into them a sense of beauty and value, than these cherished one-on-one times together. Memories are built, friendships strengthened and you’ll build a bond of trust that will last a lifetime. Get started now…

In This Episode of the Lifeschool Podcast You’ll Learn:

  • 5 Key things to know when dating your daughter
  • When the right age to start dating your daughter is
  • Why concentrated “daddy time” shows her she is a priority in your life
  • How these dates can be a picture of what God is truly like and how He sees and values your daughter
  • How the way you treat your daughter on these dates sets her expectations for relationships with men in her life
  • How Caesar’s proven Daddy-Daughter Date Checklist will help you have amazing times together you will cherish (We’ll tell you how to get your free copy today.)

Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.


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