How the Gospel Changes Our Motivation and Desires Pt.1

After a hard year of changes for Christians and the Church, it seems easier than ever to slip into complacency. Are we going to start another new thing? How do we stay motivated and motivate others to desire a lifestyle of discipleship and mission beyond a weekly meeting?

In this episode, we talk about how Gospel Motivation changes the way you lead your church, community group, and family toward life on mission with God… and what happens when you don’t.

gospel motivation and desire

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In This Episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast You’ll Learn:

  • Why the ‘American Dream life’ may be a convenient excuse for not living on mission.
  • How what we believe in our head changes what we believe in our heart.
  • How the gospel changes ALL of our motivation, affections, and desires.
  • Why our Christian lives are often not attractive to non-yet-believers.

Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.


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Discipleship and Mission Made Simple