Feeling Awkward: Conquering the Fear of Rejection

Why do we fear rejection and oftentimes feel like weirdos when we try to talk about spiritual topics or even come close to ‘sharing our faith’?  

In this episode, Caesar and Heath discuss the most common reasons people get scared and fearful when talking about spirituality. We’ll also give 3 Quick Tips that you can use to change that forever.

Does This Sound Like You (ever)?

  • I feel awkward and uncomfortable talking about my faith with others.
  • I tried in the past and it never ended well.
  • I hated friends trying to “jam their religion down my throat” before I was a Christian.
  • I’m worried that I might ruin my friendships if I bring up Jesus or spiritual things.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What is at the root of our fears and relational weirdness
  • 3 Quick Tips to beat the fear of rejection
  • Top reasons people seem so hesitant to talk about spiritual things
  • Why it’s important to take a much longer view of “evangelism”

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Feeling Awkward: Conquering the Fear of Rejection

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