The Beauty of the Gospel vs. Religion

Many people who avoid the Church have not rejected Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel; they’ve actually, rightfully so, shunned religion. And they’ve dismissed a transactional way of relating to God and an effort to somehow balance out the cosmic scales of his justice.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we look at the beautiful and liberating difference between the Gospel vs. religion. Christianity and the true Gospel tells us that God himself, in the person of Jesus, has already done for us all the things we never could have done for ourselves. And that is Good News!

beauty of the gospel


Good News For the Cancel Culture

You’ve heard about it, and it’s not going away anytime soon. The “cancel culture” can hit anyone at any time–even you–if you’ve ever said or done something that a very vocal group of people disagree with. Unfortunately, the Church is not immune to this type of “canceling” of our own.

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll take a look at how God deals with messed up people and disagreements. Did he cancel the reputation and livelihood of some of history’s most famous sinners? We’ll hear some Good News for all of this, and I’ll give you 5 Rules for combating the cancel culture in your life today.

cancel culture


Afraid To Share Your faith?

Opinions are changing about what it means to share our faith, or proclaim the gospel. And the debate continues regarding the best methodology, and probably will into the foreseeable future.

But regardless of your methods and motives, one universal reason that many (most) people don’t seem to share their faith very often or in meaningful ways is fear of rejection.


Is Your Parenting Style Transactional or Grace-based?

Many of us find our parenting style too often mirrors the ways we were raised by our own parents. And this is not always a good thing.

My wife, Tina, and I were raised in pretty similar ways. If we had to name the style of parenting our parents often used we would call it “transactional”. Every desire or action–even our emotions–was connected to a certain requirement or response based on the “value” of what it was we desired. Or avoided.  (more…)

The Importance of Discerning Guilt from Shame

Guilt or shame… are they the same thing? The last time you made a mistake or really blew it, what were you feeling in your gut: guilt or shame? Do you know the difference? One is healthy, and the other is deadly!

In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, I’ll show you why understanding how these two emotions differ is critical to your emotional health and for all of your relationships.

discerning guilt from shame


The Gospel Is Not Just About Your Afterlife

If you’re struggling with finding joy in your Christian walk or have a low desire to live on mission and share your faith with others, it may be that you have been taught, and are believing­, a very small Gospel.

Christianity is not about sin management and the Good News of the gospel is not just about your afterlife. Let me unpack this for you, stick with me, you’ll love this. [Get my latest free training on Gospel Fluency now.] (more…)


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