Lifeschool 119: Why You Need a Break: The Modern Day Sabbath

Almost no one I know has a lot of extra time on their hands. And you were never created to sustain the pace you may be living at! In this episode of Lifeschool we are talking about the often neglected, but super-important, concept and practice of taking a sabbath day of rest. Remember those?!

Taking a consistent time every week (or month!) to rest and “sabbath” has not been either of our (Caesar and Heath’s) strong suit when it comes to obedience to God’s commands and walking in his ways. We wish it weren’t so.

But we’re learning that the heart and intent behind WHY God gave us the sabbath is so much bigger than just taking a day off of work. And the benefits that are built into the creational order of things that await us are HUGE. Get started now…

In This Episode of the Lifeschool Podcast You’ll Learn:

  • How God actually created us to work from rest–not the other way around
  • What a modern-day sabbath might look like
  • What sabbath time restores relationally with God
  • Some of the powerful roadblocks that keep us from sabbath rest
  • Steps to take to begin to have meaningful times of rest and sabbath with God and in community

Please check out this new episode and be sure to get this week’s FREE Download of the Big 3.


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